Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Many Lenses for Planetary Health: Seeding Citizen Engagement for Sustainable Futures Visioning with New Ways of Seeing


Poland, B., Mashford-Pringle, A., & Bowra, A.


The authors describe a pilot project that used Indigenous talking circle methodology to seed citizen engagement processes for visioning sustainable futures using ideas, perspectives and processes informed by Indigenous ways of knowing to encourage reflexivity and openness to other ways of seeing. The article highlights participants' experiences with the process and their throughts about the points they raised about the process.

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Many Lenses for Planetary Health: Seeding Citizen Engagement for Sustainable Futures Visioning with New Ways of Seeing.

Poland, B., Mashford-Pringle, A., & Bowra, A. (2020). Many lenses for planetary health: Seeding citizen engagement for sustainable futures visioning with new ways of seeing. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111(6), 901–911.

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