TB Collection
The TB Collection is a searchable database containing hundreds of external resources related to tuberculosis and the health of First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations in Canada.
The TB Collection is part of the NCCIH Resource Library.
Resources Other collections
Chronic and Infectious Diseases
There is a growing crisis of chronic and infectious diseases experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Ongoing systemic and structural health inequities, social exclusion, racism as well as as changes brought on by colonization are risk factors that contribute to the rise in these illnesses and poorer health outcomes among Indigenous individuals.
News Resources
Indigenous Knowledge(s) and Public Health
There is a growing awareness of the severity and complexity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis health issues in Canada. The NCCIH’s resources contextualize the distinct and unique historical and contemporary forces which influence First Nations, Inuit and Métis health, health status and health outcomes in Canada.
News Resources
Child, Youth, & Family
The NCCIH recognizes that rebuilding Indigenous health and well-being starts with children and extends to youth, adults, parents, grandparents, families, and communities. Just as our knowledge resources explore First Nations, Inuit and Métis women’s journeys into motherhood, we also document the significant role fathers and grandparents play in child rearing and the transmission of culture and language.
News Resources
Early Child Development Collection
The Early Child Development Collection is a selection of external resources pertaining to the health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis children and their families.
Updated regularly, this collection is part of the NCCIH Resource Library.
Resources Other collections
Social Determinants
Emerging through international discussions dating back to 1986, determinants of health have evolved over time to encompass the broader social forces that impact upon health. Poverty, employment, education, housing, access to health services, food security, early child development, gender, culture, and language are some of the complex and inter-related social determinants of health.
News Resources
Cultural Safety Collection
The Cultural Safety Collection is a searchable repository of resources related to addressing barriers in accessing health and social services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples due to their experiences with racism, discrimination, and marginalization.
Updated regularly, this collection is part of the NCCIH Resource Library.
Resources Other collections
Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection
The Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection contains resources that profile connections between land and health for Indigenous peoples, and the importance of these connections to attain the best possible health outcomes for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.
Resources Other collections
Health Researchers Database
The NCCIH Health Researchers Database is a searchable repository of researchers who are affiliated with a Canadian university and whose expertise lies in the health of Indigenous peoples.
Updated regularly, the database contains name and contact information, focus of research, and a selection of publications for each researcher.
Health Researchers Database
Over 19 years
The NCCIH proudly celebrates 19 years of knowledge sharing about Indigenous peoples’ and public health in Canada. Over the past 19 years we have held fast to our goal of supporting respectful and meaningful research, policy and practice to advance the optimal health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Interactive Timeline
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The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) is a national Indigenous organization established in 2005 by the Government of Canada and funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis public health renewal and health equity through knowledge translation and exchange. The NCCIH is hosted by the University of Northern BC (UNBC) on the traditional territory of the Lheildli T’enneh in Prince George, BC.
Highlights & News
ISC and NCCIH call for artworks - New deadline
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) are seeking artworks by Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous organizations to feature in upcoming communicable disease prevention and awareness campaigns, social media, key messaging and other resources.
The NCCIH is seeking an Indigenous Academic Lead
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health is seeking a visionary and results-oriented Indigenous leader to carry forward our work to strengthen public health systems and advocate for health equity for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada.
Canada’s journey of truth and reconciliation
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) joins other Indigenous organizations in honouring and remembering the survivors of residential schools as well as the children who never came home from them, and reflecting upon the on-going, intergenerational impacts of the schools on Indigenous individuals, families, and communities throughout the country.
The H.E.A.L. Healthcare Project
Starting from the premise that healthcare is both an art and a science, H.E.A.L. Healthcare uses poetry, storytelling, visual arts, and other creative tools to confront oppressive healthcare biases, to understand patient experiences, and to humanize healthcare systems and cultures.
Former Academic Lead Dr. Margo Greenwood elected Member of the RSC
Former Academic Lead of the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) Dr. Margo Greenwood O.C. has been elected Member of the Royal Society (RSC) of Canada. She joins a cohort of 58 new College Members of the RSC chosen by their peers in recognition of outstanding scholarly, scientific, and artistic achievements.
The NCCIH announces new Academic
Dr. Sheila Blackstock and Dr. Daniel Sims, both Indigenous scholars and Associate Professors at the University of Northern British Columbia, will begin their new roles as Academic Co-Leads of NCCIH on February 1, 2023.
Dr. Margo Greenwood appointed as Senator
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, has appointed Dr. Margo Greenwood as an independent Senator, filling a vacancy for British Colombia.
Launch of Inuit resource booklets for parents and caregivers of children (0-6 years)
The NCCIH and the Aqqiumavvik Society are pleased to announce the launch of four Inuit booklets for parents and caregivers of children up to 6 years of age. Grounded in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, these guidelines give practical information to support parents in early childhood learning and healthy development, and ultimately to strengthen Inuit families and communities for generations to come.
A Vision for the Future: First Nations, Inuit and Métis Population and Public Health
Visioning the Future: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Population and Public Healthreveals a pathway to a healthy tomorrow by addressing population and public health challenges for Indigenous Peoples in several areas: the environment; infectious diseases; data and governance; mental wellness; and social determinants of health.
An open letter to healthcare workers from the NCCIH
In this open letter, the NCCIH expresses its support and solidarity with healthcare workers and patients accessing healthcare. In the words of BC's Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, we must "be kind, be calm, and be safe" as we weather the fourth wave of this pandemic.
Closing the Gaps for Indigenous Peoples
The NCCIH takes a closer look at the federal budget that commits to $18 billion in spending over the next five years for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.
Vaccine Mistrust: A Legacy of Colonialism
Acknowledging and supporting Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination – the right to choose – is a critical step in addressing COVID-19 vaccine mistrust.
Supporting vaccine confidence in Indigenous peoples
These five fact sheets help support vaccine confidence amongst First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and communities. Additional links to video and trusted web sites on vaccines are provided in each of the fact sheets.
NCCIH selected as Common Vision Champion
The NCCIH has been selected as a Common Vision Champion. The goal of the NCCIH’s project as Champion is to facilitate cross-sector partnerships and collaboration to help collectively guide planning and implementation of integrated approaches to promote healthy living, including increased physical activity in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.
NCCIH Media Release - January 14, 2021
The NCCIH and Northern Health BC have jointly launched a short animated video to draw attention to the ongoing issue of stigmatization experienced by Indigenous people in the health care system.
NCCIH Virtual Series
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) is pleased to present a four-part virtual series that will look at First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and communities’ experiences with COVID-19.
NCCIH Media Statement
The release of Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond's report "In Plain Sight" is a call to action to address racism directed at Indigenous people as a national health crises, says NCCIH Academic Leader, Margo Greenwood.
CPS Module Launch
The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) has launched a revised Indigenous Child and Youth Health Curriculum. The revised curriculum is based on a culmination of feedback from paediatric faculty, learners and expert reviewers.
NCCIH Media Statement
The government of British Columbia has opened an investigation into reports that BC emergency room health professionals played ‘guessing games’ about the blood alcohol content of Indigenous patients. This kind of discriminatory behaviour needs to stop, right now. Then, we must figure out how to prevent this from ever happening again.
mite achimowin - Heart Talk
The mite achimowin (Heart Talk): First Nations Women Expressions of Heart Health study received funding from the CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Aboriginal People’s Health Institute) and SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) through the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network in partnership with Nanaandawewigamig.
The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework
The NCCIH is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Margo Greenwood as a member of a new Federal Government Expert Panel on Early Learning and Child Care Data and Research, announced by Employment and Social Development Canada in a press release, June 4, 2019.
NCCIH Indigenous Health Researchers Database
The Indigenous Health Researchers Database was created to help identify researchers with expertise in a wide variety of topics related to the health of Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) peoples in Canada. Originally compiled in 2014, and available as a PDF, Aboriginal Health Researchers at Canadian Universities became a digitized online resource in 2017. To ensure the database rem...
Same centre - new name!
As of May 30th, 2019, the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) will officially adopt a new name, the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH). While ‘Aboriginal’ is an umbrella term which often homogenizes the diversity of Indigenous populations in Canada, the term ‘Indigenous’ is considered is to be more respectful as it acknowledg...
A fourth forum on Indigenous determinants of health
A short narrative report, and companion digital video, of the fourth and final NCCAH forum with national Indigenous organizations on the social determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ health, held November 28 and 29, 2017, in Ottawa, Ontario. This forum, “Nakistowinan (Stop In) – Pimicisok (Stock Up) – Kapesik (Stay Over)”, focused on the TRC’s Calls to Action towar...
Incredible resiliencies of Indigenous health
When Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social was released in 2015, it was a first in the field of public health: a book about the health of Indigenous peoples written primarily by Indigenous authors, reflecting a diverse range of Indigenous perspectives, and taking into account a wide array of topics relevant to the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples....
NCCIH partners on a SSHRC/CIHR five-year initiative
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) is a major partner on a new five-year initiative entitled, "Cultural Agility in Northern BC’s Healthcare System: Increasing Indigenous Employment Participation and Responsiveness to Indigenous Well-being", launched October 1, 2018 at the Two Rivers Gallery in Prince George, BC.
Challenges in health equity for Indigenous peoples in Canada
In their commentary on two papers in the Lancet’s Series on Canada, authors Greenwood, de Leeuw and Lindsay draw attention to the persistent health inequities experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, despite Canada’s commitment to addressing health equity both domestically, through its universal healthcare system, and internationally.
Canadian Family Physician Cover Stories 2017
Dr. Sarah de Leeuw has been writing a series of monthly cover stories for Canadian Family Physician (CFP) since 2016. These stories feature anecdotes and real world examples of initiatives being undertaken by physicians across Canada who are making a difference in how health care services and programs are delivered, especially in rural, remote, northern and Indigenous communities.
Launch of the Manitoba First Nations and Metis Parenting Booklets
In celebration of National Child Day (November 20, 2017), Healthy Child Manitoba Office (HCMO), and the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) officially launched four new resources for First Nations and Metis parents and caregivers in Manitoba.
The NCCIH launches new web site!
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) is very pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved web site.
The Aboriginal Health Researchers at Canadian Universities resource has now been digitized and is available as a searchable feature on the new web site.
Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: What Inuit have always known to be true
Short videos are now being produced by the NCCAH as part of the series, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: The role of Indigenous knowledge in supporting wellness in Inuit communities in Nunavut. The first of these videos, "Rhoda’s Dream: Burying the Baby", is now complete.
Canadian Family Physician Cover Stories 2016
In 2016, Dr. Sarah de Leeuw wrote a series of monthly cover stories for Canadian Family Physician. These stories feature anecdotes and real world examples of initiatives being undertaken by physicians across Canada who are making a difference in how health care services and programs are delivered.
Global Child Initiative
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health is pleased to announce its support for a new initiative focusing on the rights of Indigenous children. The Global Child Initiative focuses on the development of indicators to help governments monitor and report on the rights of children around the world, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.
The NCCIH Celebrates 10 Years!
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) proudly celebrates a successful decade of knowledge sharing about Indigenous peoples’ and public health in Canada.
An Introduction to the Health of Two-Spirit People
Two-Spirit is a term that encompasses a broad range of sexual and gender identities of Aboriginal peoples, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ).
Family is the Focus
The NCCAH is pleased to share the summary report and accompanying DVD from the final national gathering, "Family is the Focus". Taking place on the traditional territories of the Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish and Musqueam Peoples in Vancouver, British Columbia from February 18-20, 2014, participants from across Canada were joined by speakers from New Zealand and the United States. This proceedings rep...
Review of Core Competencies for Public Health
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) is pleased to announce the release of the Review of Core Competencies for Public Health: An Aboriginal Public Health Perspective. In this report, Dr. Sarah Hunt reviews and analyzes the seven categories and appendices of the 2007 Public Health Agency of Canada’s Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada 1.0 within an Aborigi...
Aboriginal Peoples and Historic Trauma
The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) explores the ongoing and devastating impacts of this accumulated trauma on the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities, and presents one model for healing through two reports.
Anti-Indigenous racism in Canada
This series of three fact sheets focuses on racism experienced by Indigenous peoples in Canada – how to understand it in historical context, how it affects individuals and communities, and what programs, policies and strategies exist to combat it.