Auger, M., Croos, C.V., Lapp, A., Tsuruda, S., Caron, C., Rogers, B.J., & van der Woerd, K.
Evaluation and Program Planning
This article presents findings from an evaluation of a Mental Health First Aid program that educates people to recognize and respond to mental health challenges in First Nations communities. These findings focus on the extent to which the program was experienced as being culturally safe by Indigenous participants, the factors that promoted cultural safety, and the barriers to cultural safety.
The Essential Role of Cultural Safety in Developing Culturally-Relevant Prevention Programming in First Nations Communities: Lessons Learned from a National Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid in First Nations..
Auger, M., Croos, C.V., Lapp, A., Tsuruda, S., Caron, C., Rogers, B.J., & van der Woerd, K. (2019). The essential role of cultural safety in developing culturally-relevant prevention programming in First Nations communities: Lessons learned from a national evaluation of mental health first aid in First Nations. Evaluation and Program Planning, 72, 188-96.
January 2024
Elder/seniors' Health Cultural Safety Brain health
Health Services Racism, Stigma and Discrimination Cultural Safety Professional Standards/Competencies
Nutrition Cultural Safety