Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Tlilnuo'lti'k - Weji-sqalia'timk - How We Will Be Mi'kmaq On Our Land: Working Together with Pictou Landing First Nation to Redefine Healthy Community


Lewis, D.

Dalhousie University


This dissertation explores the health impacts experienced by members of Pictou Landing First Nation from the dumping of pulp mill effluent into a culturally significant lagoon. It explores the role of the state in maintaining a narrative that diminishes community concerns, and whether this constitutes an environmental and social injustice. It also explores the intimate and sacred connection of the Pictou Land First Nations people to the lagoon, and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health impacts members of the community have experienced.

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Tlilnuo'lti'k - Weji-sqalia'timk - How We Will Be Mi'kmaq On Our Land: Working Together with Pictou Landing First Nation to Redefine Healthy Community

Lewis, D. (2018). Tlilnuo'lti'k - Weji-sqalia'timk - How we will be Mi'kmaq on our land: Working together with Pictou Landing First Nation to redefine healthy community [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. Dalhousie University.

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